There has been a lot of conversation about the future of work. But what about the future of jobs?
"[Insert Job Here] won't exist in 5 years."
Ok, so what jobs will exist? What jobs will be in demand?
If you are thinking of a career change or ways to use your transferable skills, keep reading and learn about the jobs that are here to stay.
Here are my predictions on the top 7 in-demand jobs ( this is not an exhaustive list)

1. Cybersecurity
Cybercrime is growing at an alarming rate. Coupled with the fact, there is a shortage of Cybersecurity professionals in Canada. This makes for a very lucrative career choice. As the world advances, so does technology and sadly, so does cybercrime. The robocalls informing you are going to jail are at an all-time high, phishing scams are becoming more and more sophisticated.
As remote work becomes our new normal, companies are more prone to cyber attacks as their workforce is spread out across the country or even across the world. Hackers will try and access the cloud (shared drive), finances and other forms of intellectual property.
The unemployment rate for Cybersecurity professionals at basically any career level is zero. Projected growth for this industry is 30% by the year 2029.